November 3
Today I completed a Python class that will create a game level with information from an .xlsx file by converting it to .csv and iterating through each row and column to find certain values that will be displayed as objects in the game space. This is part of a 2D platformer project I am currently developing with a group of coworkers using the PyGame and PyMunk libraries.
The class is built into two functions; one that builds the world, and one that builds each platform. To make sure that we were building platforms as a whole object and not individual platforms next to each other, the function checks the length of each platform by comparing the values in series and returning the count of each platform. The function will also look at which type of platform needs to be generated given the tile set of the level.
Click the button below to check out the rest of project repository.

Screen capture from .xlsx file to store level data

Game capture of generated level.
October 9 2022
Today I worked with Maya's script editor to create a module that will rotate an object given a translational node and a frame range.
The module is broken down into four separate functions: one function creates the locator in the scene, one function animates keyframes onto the locator to complete a 360 degree Y rotation in the given frame range, another function applies a constraint to an object based on the Y rotation of the locator, and the last function uses all previously mentioned functions to rotate the object. This main function makes sure an object and frame range is given, and returns a warning if unprovided. Otherwise, the function will create a locator, set keyframes, and constrain the object to create a smooth animation.

Rotating cube with constraint and keyframes.
October 8 2022
Today I looked at creating a bot to send tweets through Twitter's Tweepy API. My goal was to automate tweets to be sent out once a day with contents of an artist's random song lyrics. To do this I used a module called lyricsgenius to handle the webscrapping using bs4 and collecting lyrics from the artist's Genius page. After generating a list of their top 50 songs, the bot will pick one song at random and select a random line from the song to use as the tweet.

Random lyric generator Python function.
October 4 2022
Today's challenge was to create an object oriented and dynamic health bar that attaches to another object in a game.
The class takes one argument named objToFollow which will be object in the game the healthbar derives its information from. The object to follow must have attributes corresponding with x, y, and health in order to accurately retrieve the information.
The healthbar is set to a color mode of HSB which is used to change the hue as the health decreases, given that the health of objToFollow control's the width parameter of the rect shape.
The healthbar is then displayed above the object to follow at the width which corresponds to the health of the objToFollow. It also updates the position of the objToFollow to track its position as the objToFollow moves in the game.

Dynamic healthbar Python class.